Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias ... Read More
The National Crime Unit questioned the two on suspicion of contact with a foreign agent and money laundering on Wednesday.
US envoy says every Gaza death could have been avoided if Hamas accepted a ceasefire.
Osama Tabash was a senior Hamas terrorist and had held numerous senior positions in Hamas.
“There is a better world out there – a world of salvation, a world of racial purity, a world of human rights, of cleanliness, and that the collective Jew stands between this world and utopia.”
Israel's Envoy to the UN Danny Danon stressed that comparisons between Palestinian security prisoners and hostages held by Hamas were fundamentally inaccurate and offensive.
Jonathan Polin posted to Facebook on Friday, criticizing the hostage negotiations.
The president congratulated Wiz CEO Assaf Rappaport on the largest acquisition of an Israeli company, a venture-backed startup, and by Google.
Netanyahu criticized Bar's public support for a state commission of inquiry into the October 7 failures, citing it as one of the main reasons for his dismissal.
"The State of Israel is a state of law and according to the law, the Israeli government decides who will be the head of the Shin Bet," Netanyahu wrote on X.
A-G stressed that the government is prohibited from making any decisions or taking any actions regarding the conclusion of the tenure of the head of the Shin Bet.