prime minister

Humza Yousaf sworn in as Scotland's leader as bid for unity falters

Yousaf, the first Muslim to lead a democratic western European nation, pledged an oath of allegiance to King Charles at Scotland's Court of Session in Edinburgh.


Israel will need to undergo period of reckoning, consider how to move forward - editorial

Netanyahu's move sparked mass protests across the country in which protesters took to the streets in unprecedented fashion overnight.

Grapevine: Uncomfortable abode

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Pakistan court halts police operation to arrest ex-PM Imran Khan

This comes after police failed to arrest former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan, whose home was guarded by throngs of supporters.


Impairment Law passes in special committee vote to go to Knesset

The Impairment Law amends a provision in the quasi-constitutional Basic Law: Government and will now proceed to an initial Knesset vote.

Knesset approves increased funding for Netanyahu's residences

Israel finances the expenses of the official residence in Jerusalem, as well as a prime minister's private residence if it's outside the city, according to Israeli law.

Declaring a PM 'incapacitated' will require 90 MKs' approval, coalition proposes

Simcha Rothman: Israel's attorney-general is biased and is manipulating public opinion on judicial reforms.

Netanyahu presents costly demands to renovate PM's home in Jerusalem

The government has no legal obligation to fund renovations to the prime minister's private home.

Grapevine: Wherefore PM’s residence?

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Iran likely to do small nuke enrichment to 90% to test West - Lapid

Lapid said that at this point the Islamic Republic's strategy is to continue to escalate the threat it poses but in a very incremental way.

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