Trump or Obama, who would you vote for? - Newsmax poll
The seven question survey asks the participants who they would vote for if there was an election today, Obama or Trump.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFObama and Trump(photo credit: REUTERS), a right-wing media site, released an "urgent" poll on Tuesday asking Americans to decide who they like more, President Donald Trump or former president Barack Obama."Congress, the media and many in the public want to know what you think about the president’s job performance," the newsletter disseminating the poll stated.The seven question survey asks the participants who they would vote for if there was an election today, Obama or Trump.The questionnaire also gathers some demographic information such veteran status, religion, and membership of groups such as the NRA. Newsmax also wanted to know who, those answering the survey, voted for in the last election.As of October 2018, Trump's approval ratings reached a higher level than Obama's ahead of the 2010 midterms, a joint NBC and Wall Street Journal poll reported.If interested, you can cast your vote here.