The event, which includes classes in both Hebrew and English, will take place Thursday, May 20 at 6:45 p.m.
Jewish Nature and the David Zeller Foundation, in conjunction with the Yakar learning center in Jerusalem, will be devoting an evening of study and workshops to the memory of Zeller.The evening will deal with the theme of spiritual ecology and will include workshops with, among others, Michael Kagan – the director of the Jewish Climate Initiative – and Rabbi Dov Berkovits. Family members will share their memories of Zeller, who died three years ago. Zeller, one of the closest disciples of the late Rabbi ShlomoCarlebach, was a teacher and musician as well as an influential figurein the emerging Jewish meditation scene. He also put out several albumsof Jewish music combining his own compositions with new, mellowedinterpretations of traditional niggunim and the songs of Carlebach. The event, which includes classes inboth Hebrew and English, will take place Thursday, May 20 at 6:45 Yakar, Rehov Halamed Heh 10, Jerusalem.