"אני חושב שהאנשים שלנו פשוט התפוצצו בגלל האי שוויון שקיים כאן, במדינה, לאורך הרבה שנים. החוק בא כתרוץ או הקש ששבר גב הגמל.סערה זמנית והכל יחזור להיות כרגיל. אף אחד לא זרק את מדי צה"ל, הכל שטויות. יש אלפי חיילים דרוזים שמשרתים עכשיו ושומרים על כולםת פה במדינה.אני לא צריך את ביבי או חברי כנסת כדי להרגיש שהמדינה היא שלי!האמת היא שכל כך הרבה אנשים מהעדה הדרוזית מדברים עם התקשורת היום אבל אני כבר הפסקתי לעקוב."
Translation:I think our people just exploded because of the inequality that exists here, in the country, over many years. The law came as an excuse, or the straw that broke the camel's back.It is a temporary storm and everything will return to normal. No one threw off the IDF uniform, it's all nonsense. There are thousands of Druze soldiers who are serving now and protect all of us here, in the country.I do not need ‘Bibi’ (Nickname for Prime Minister Netanyahu) or MKs (member of Knesset) to feel that the state is mine!The truth is that so many people from the Druze community are talking to the media today, but I've stopped tracking what they have to say.”I must note here that like many Israeli-Jews living in the periphery who feel they are less supported of the government, the Druze who live in 16 villages in Northern Israel, some villages are very remote, are also residents of the periphery and thus the inequality claims.As Boaz Haetzni notes in his article, the progressive fashion that guides the rulings of the courts and the Supreme Court in Israel had thwarted any attempt to expel illegal migrants from the country who have caused much disgruntle to many Israelis and also caused the destruction of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, for the sake of destruction only. The High Court of Justice in Israel have been assisting in enabling the nomad Bedouin's takeover of vast land of the Negev and that is a troubling and dangerous phenomenon from which Israel's sovereignty will suffer tremendously. Same court has acted in outstanding and favorable responsiveness to petitions from Arabs and the political Left. The Supreme Court in Israel acts as a state within a state. Therefore, the painful situation the country came to face which demanded of the Legislative Branch of the government of Israel to legislate what was once the obvious, that Israel is the Nation State of the Jewish people.