19-year-old woman killed after being hit by light rail in Jerusalem
"At around 12:20 a.m. a woman fell between two wagons as the train was moving. MDA paramedics that arrived at the scene could only call her time of death."
By ALON EINHORNFire and Rescue workers next to the light rail in Jerusalem where a 19-year-old woman was killed(photo credit: FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE)
19-year-old Tamar Fenigstein was killed Tuesday night after being hit by the light rail on Jaffa Road, near the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.Fenigstein went to watch a movie with her friends, when she reportedly suffered from an epileptic attack at the light rail station when they were on their way back. She fell between the cracks of the wagons as the tram was still moving, Mako reported.Tamar Fenigstein (Courtesy of the family)“At around 12:20 a.m., a woman fell between two wagons as the train was moving. MDA paramedics that arrived at the scene could only call her time of death,” Citypass, the light rail operator, reported.Oz Polak, an MDA paramedic, said: “This is a shocking and serious accident. When we arrived at the scene, we saw a 19-year-old woman trapped under the rail’s wagon. She had no pulse and no signs of life. Her four friends who witnessed the accident suffered from shock, and we took them to the hospital.”Fire and rescue teams used hydraulic press tools to lift the wagon in order to retrieve the woman’s body.Fenigstein was a volunteer at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Medical Center, completing a one-year voluntary service program for high school graduates prior to her being drafted in the IDF. Her father is the chairman of the Pninat Ganim synagogue and head of the pre-army yeshiva in Givat Shmuel.A 45-year-old woman was killed in central Israel on Wednesday in an unrelated public transit accident. The woman reportedly began boarding the bus from the rear door in Givat Shmuel but the driver did not see her and began driving off. As a result of the movement, she tripped and injured her head.She was rushed to the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan where doctors were unable to save her life.