Adam Schiff: Impeachment hearings no place for conspiracy

 WASHINGTON - The head of the U.S. House panel leading the impeachment inquiry on Tuesday warned fellow lawmakers ahead of public hearings, saying the televised questioning would not serve as a venue to air conspiracy theories or out a whistleblower.

"The House’s impeachment inquiry, and the Committee, will not serve as venues for any Member to further the same sham investigations into the Bidens or into debunked conspiracies about 2016 U.S. election interference that President Trump pressed Ukraine to undertake for his personal political benefit," House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff said, citing former Vice President Joe Biden and his family.

"Nor will the Committee facilitate any efforts by President Trump or his allies to threaten, intimidate, or retaliate against the whistleblower who courageously and lawfully raised concerns about the President’s conduct," he added in a memo to lawmakers.