Sheba releases first 'coronavirus ship' Israeli from quarantine
Biton, 75, the husband of Rachel Biton, who contracted the virus while on the ship and had to spend a week in a military hospital in Japan, returned to Israel earlier this week.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFYitzhak Biton upon his release from Sheba Medical Center(photo credit: BITON FAMILY)
Sheba Medical Center on Thursday night released Yitzhak Biton, one of the 11 Israelis who was under quarantine at the hospital after returning to Israel from the Diamond Princess coronavirus-infested cruise ship. Biton, 75, the husband of Rachel Biton, who contracted the virus while on the ship and had to spend a week in a military hospital in Japan, returned to Israel earlier this week. She tested negative for coronavirus. The couple is from Eilat."The family would like to thank the Sheba medical team for their constant concern for Yitzhak and the other Israelis who were on the coronavirus ship, from the preparation of the isolation rooms for their arrival from Japan and the way Yitzhak was treated until his release," the family said in a statement.Ten other Israelis from the coronavirus ship remain hospitalized in isolation at Sheba. An Israeli who returned from Italy with the virus is now in isolation there, as well.