Gideon Saar: Likud has reached dead end

A recent poll found that 53% of Likud members would back Netanyahu and 40% would support Saar.

Gideon Saar, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rival from Likud said the party "has reached a dead end" while meeting activists in Hod HaSharon on Monday, according to Mako.
"We should not bang our heads against the wall," Saar said, warning the activists of "losing power to our rivals."
"Heedless of what has been said about me by the prime minister and his son and the toxicity poured on me in the web, I backed and am backing the prime minister," he said.
"But my duty is that when I see we have reached a dead end, I have to warn us all."
A poll conducted by Direct Polls and presented in the "Before the News" program with Udi Segal on Channel 13 shows that 53% of Likud members intend to support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the primaries scheduled for Likud, while MK Gideon Sa'ar would receive 40 percent of support.
The poll was conducted among 1513 Likud members. It should be noted that one of the company's owners who conducted the poll is Shlomo (Momo) Filber, who serves as a state witness against Netanyahu.
When asked those who think they should lead the Likud at the end of the Netanyahu era, Saar won the highest percentage of support with 39.4%. Following were rated Nir Barkat with 23.6%, Israel Katz with 6.2%, Yuli Edelstein with 4.4% and Miri Regev with only 2.3%.