Lieberman: General Assembly vote shows Israel has "moral majority"

Lieberman Israel please

A day after the UN General Assembly endorsed the Goldstone Report, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Friday said he was pleased with the vote, which showed "Israel has a moral majority." "The majority that supported Israel shows that Israel has a moral majority. Saudi Arabia and Somalia, which voted in favor of the resolution, will not preach morality to us," the foreign minister stressed. "The results of the vote were known in advance because there is an automatic majority against Israel. We are neither surprised nor disappointed with the vote, and are pleased that 18 democratic 'top league' states voted in line with Israel's position, while 44 South American and African states abstained," he said. A total of 114 nations voted in favor of the resolution and 18 voted against it, with 44 members abstaining. Lieberman criticized those who accused Israel of committing war crimes during Operation Cast Lead, saying that the international community was realizing the Goldstone Report was biased. "It proves that Israel is succeeding in getting across the message that the report is one-sided and not serious," Lieberman said of the vote.