Netanyahu: 'We attacked hundreds of times in Syria'

Israeli leaders hosted IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot at the Kiryia military complex in Tel Aviv on Sunday to bid farewell to the outgoing military chief.
"You served the IDF for over 40 years, making it a record for any Chief of Staff," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "I told you when you started that you will not have a single day of mercy, because in the Middle East, only the strong survive."
"We worked together for the past 4 years to answer four threats," Netanyahu revealed.
"The first and most dangerous threat was Iran's nuclear power," Netanyahu said. "Iran has been trying to achieve nuclear powers to threaten us, but we have managed to prevent that, and thanks to the information we delivered to Trump, the US put new sanctions on them."
Netanyahu continued with the second threat, the Iranian attempts to establish roots in Syria. "We attacked hundreds of times in Syria to protect our security, and even the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is aware of that."
The third threat Netanyahu revealed was Hezbollah's threat. "Hezbollah claimed to have hundreds of rockets in its arsenal, but due to our phenomenal activity, they barely have a few dozens remaining."
"The final threat we tackled was the terror tunnel threat, today we completed operation Northern Shield and I am thankful for that." Netanyahu remarked.
"The citizens of Israel no little of the hundreds of bold operations we carried out in the last 4 years under your command," Netanyahu concluded. "Now it is time for you to spend time with your family. I thank you for your service."