Father Gabriel Nadaf has long been a proponent of Israeli Christian citizens joining the IDF.
By ARIEL COHENSon of Father Nadaf joins the IDF(photo credit: FACEBOOK)
Judaan Nadaf, the son of prominent Israeli Greek Orthodox priest Father Gabriel Nadaf, joined the IDF this week.Father Nadaf has long been an outspoken advocate of national service by Israeli Christians and integration into Israeli society in as many ways as possible. He has often said that Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians are free from religious persecution.Jubran voluntarily joined an elite IDF unit, while accompanied by Father Gabriel Nadaf at the recruitment office in Tiberias. On his Facebook page, Father Nadaf stated that his son joined “out of a sense of mission and belonging and the aspiration to contribute to his country Israel.”Jubran Nadaf was the target of a violent hate crime in December 2013. Opponents of Father Nadaf targeted the son and beat him in the streets of Nazareth.After the attack, Father Gabriel Nadaf issued a statement proclaiming that “[M]y son very much wants to enlist, in the near future, and serve in a combat unit. He believes in what I do, that we all have a home here, that he also needs to give to the country. The country gives him his rights, and should receive what it is due in return. We all need to live here in peace, and protect the existence of the country that we live in, since our future is here.”Over the years, Nadaf has helped increase the average amount of Christians enlisting in the IDF from 30 to 150 persons per year.This is "...a historic and exciting day at the Nadaf household and a happy day for Christians in Israel.” Nadaf stated, adding that he “sees this step as a personal example to Christian parents who teach their kids to love, cherish, honor and serve their country and contribute to society!”