Barak tells Gates Israel worried about Hizbullah weapons

Defense minister discusses Israel's qualitative edge, Iran, missile threat and peace process with US counterpart; to meet Biden later in day.

Barak (photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
(photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Defense Minister Ehud Barak met on Monday with US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at the Pentagon in Washington.
In the meeting, Barak raised Jerusalem's fears that as Syria continues to arm Hizbullah with sophisticated weaponry, it could damage Israel's qualitative military edge in the region, according to a statement from the defense minister's office.
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The two discussed Israel's qualitative military edge, Iran and the situation in Lebanon surrounding the expected release of the Hariri tribunal indictments.
The statement from Barak, released shortly after the meeting at the Pentagon, said the two also discussed continued cooperation to actively protect Israel from rockets and missile fire.
Additionally, the defense minister and his US counterpart also discussed the stalled peace process and emphasized the necessary security arrangements between the two sides, according to Barak's statement.
Barak was scheduled to meet with US Vice President Joe Biden, the US national security advisor, and the heads of US intelligence agencies later in the day.