Chief Rabbi of Russia hopes for improved relations with Israel

Following the Israeli elections, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar hopes that Israel-Russia relations will improve.

RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Moscow last month. (photo credit: REUTERS)
RUSSIAN PRESIDENT Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting in Moscow last month.
(photo credit: REUTERS)
 Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar spoke about the Israeli elections on Friday, saying that "we hope that the relations between the two countries will become even stronger."
"I think it was very well felt during Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Moscow – especially the way Putin received him, which gave the general feeling that the good relationship between Russia and Israel is greatly because of the personal relations between President Putin and Netanyahu," Lazar said.
Lazar was speaking at the annual Limmud FSU conference in Moscow in the presence of 2000 Jewish youths. "We are very optimistic about the results, and we hope that the relations between the two countries will become even stronger," he said.
"I hope that Russia will do everything to help the State of Israel, and Israel in return will try to help Russia with everything it needs," Lazar added.