After anti-Semitic attack South African Jewish Board of Deputies makes unusual call to the community at large.
Last weekend in a South African nightclub called The Zone in Johannesburg’s Rosebank neighborhood, three Jewish teenagers wearing kippot were physically assaulted and verbally abused by three thugs. While one of the students was being hit, another assailant cursed at him, saying among other things, “Your [expletive] people are killing our innocent children.”In an unusual move, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies called on all South Africans, Jewish or not, to attend a film-screening at a cinema of their choice this Saturday night, March 28, wearing a kippa or hat. The campaign is being dubbed #KippasAgainstHate.“In this way we will demonstrate our commitment to fight against any form of prejudice and intimidation,” the statement concluded. “As proud South African citizens, our freedom of movement, religion, and association are guaranteed by our Constitution.”