About me: Ferenc Illesy

Ferenc Illesy 298 (photo credit: )
Ferenc Illesy 298
(photo credit: )
TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Age: 30 Residence: Jerusalem, Israel Married? With children? No (divorced with no kids) Occupation: Technical Support Representative Education: Some college Pets: None Religious affiliation / observance: Karaite Judaism Last person / party I voted for: Herut Next person / party I will vote for: Will see... My history (100 words max): I'm from Budapest, Hungary (born in Siofok, Hungary actually). The Land of Israel and religion always interested me despite my atheist upbringing. Got married and made aliya in December, 2002. Lived on a kibbutz and in Haifa for some time. Got divorced and now living alone in Jerusalem Family history (100 words max): Nothing particular, never really cared about such things My connection with Israel: I live here and love it despite all the problems On Friday night, I... I'm usually invited to a friend's family for dinner. Luckily they live walking distance from my house Last book I read was: Stephen King - The Stand Comfort food: Pasta My life five years from now: Happily married and with children, living in Israel Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 6 TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Meet all 'About Me' participants