About me: Neil Cohen

niel cohen (photo credit: )
niel cohen
(photo credit: )
TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Age: 58 Residence: Yarmouthport, Massachusetts , USA Married? With children? Married with 2 daughters Occupation: Building sub-contractor, glass Education: Wentworth, Harvard, 4C's Pets: 3 AKC show dogs Religious affiliation / observance: Reform / supporting Last person / party I voted for: Edward M. Kennedy Next person / party I will vote for: Fred Thompson if he is nominated My history (100 words max): 3rd generation American, grew up on Cape Cod but have travelled across USA, England and especially Israel Family history (100 words max): Great Granfather from Russia came to US in 1880s, settled near Boston, followed my father into the family business. My wife's family is Native American from Oklahoma My connection with Israel: Worked @ Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra, and was smitten w/ Israel What I would take with me to a deserted island: Solar powered computer, loin cloth, and my wife If I could have dinner with any person in the world it would be: Moses What angers you: People who can't make decisions What makes you happy: The sound of my daughters' voices Last book I read was: The Bourne Betrayal Comfort food: Chopped Liver & 4 Seas Ice Cream My life five years from now: Sailing around the world You may not like it but I have something controversial to say: We need to become less dependant on Oil. It would solve most of the world's problems. Respect for one another also Happiness: 1-10 (10 being the happiest) 10 Click here to leave a message for Neil TRY ONE YOURSELF>>> Meet all 'About Me' participants