New design - bottom half of home page, Columnists' blog, Special Report - war in Lebanon, More to come.
By JERUSALEM POST 88(photo credit: )
Dear readers,
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a shana tova (Jewish new year) and tell you a little bit about what's new on our site.
New design - bottom half of the home page
We have come up with a NEW DESIGN of the bottom half of the home page to provide you with a more complete picture of our content, from news, through business, to blogs, sports, Jewish news and much more.
All these sections will be updated on a daily basis, to provide you with the latest and richest content The Jerusalem Post has to offer.
All you need to do is use that index finger and scroll down.
JPost columnists' blog - Burning Issues
Burning Issues brings our best opinion writers to one podium, where they respond, in brief and in real time, to a question about one of the hottest news topics on the agenda. Our aim is also to get you, our readers, involved, by sharing your opinions with the JPost community, or if you wish, by responding to any specific posting.
So far, our columnists responded to 3 burning issues: Should the pope have apologized for his remarks equating Islam to violence? Midway through the nuclear showdown, whose got the edge: Bush or Ahmadinejad, and, should Israel initiate talks with Syria?
Check it out
Special Report - the war in Lebanon
As the dust of the Lebanon war settles, we would like to direct you to our special report page on the tumultuous events of the summer, where we feature the most interesting articles from the 33-day war.
Visual: Pictures of the fallen, original JPost covers and the best pictures of the conflict are presented in this section.
Waging Battle: First-hand accounts from the three battlefronts - ground, air, and sea.
The Aftermath: The difficult questions ahead and the criticism that ensued, featuring a special interview with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
The second Lebanon war: special report
More to come
We've got an exciting set of new features that will be launched in the coming weeks, but we would also like to get some INPUT from you, our readers, as to what's missing on the site and which new features you would like to see.
So please take this opportunity to let us have your valuable feedback and let us know if you would be interested in contributing to a new readers' section, which includes blogs and personal pages.