English plays that are recent, currently running or in production include Hidden: The Musical, Cabaret, Our Town, West Side Story, The King and I, In the Heights and Steel Magnolias.
By RIVKA DERAYEncore! Educational Theatre Company, one of Jerusalem’s 10 active English theater groups, performed Irving Berlin’s classic musical ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ in December 2014 and January 2015(photo credit: BRIAN NEGIN)
Those of us who enjoy reasonably priced top English entertainment know that the Jerusalem area is rich in entertainment options. However, myriad choices can make each event difficult to find, especially for newcomers and tourists.More than a dozen English-language productions grace Jerusalem stages every year – musicals and dramas, everything from Broadway productions to original works. There are memorable things to see in every season; what’s needed is a quick and comprehensive way to find out what’s on stage now.The new Jerusalem English Theater Community website (Jerusalemenglishtheater.wordpress.com) offers everything a theater lover wants to know about current and upcoming theater productions in Jerusalem. It has the latest info about all current plays, links to the individual local theater companies (of which there are currently 10 and counting), plus audition information, planned shows and more. Theater lovers can see what is current and upcoming and plan to attend (or even audition to act in) shows.The goal, according to website founder C.B. Davies, is to create “a platform where theater companies can engage audiences and the provide community with info about shows, open roles and volunteer positions, new workshops and classes, etc. By streamlining coordination between groups, the site makes it easy for the first time for people to know at a glance about all theatrical events. Theater buffs can plan their season accordingly, making fully informed decisions about what kinds of experiences they would like to enjoy on the Jerusalem stage.”English plays that are recent, currently running or in production include Hidden: The Musical, Cabaret, Our Town, West Side Story, The King and I, In the Heights and Steel Magnolias.With the Jerusalem English Theater Community website, you, your family and friends are well poised to catch every memorable English theater experience being staged throughout the city.