Jeremy Corbyn will not lead his party into the next election

Labour Party MPs have responded angrily to the election loss, making Corbyn's position as leader untenable.

Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn reacts after the General Election results of the Islington North constituency were announced (photo credit: REUTERS / HANNAH MCKAY)
Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn reacts after the General Election results of the Islington North constituency were announced
(photo credit: REUTERS / HANNAH MCKAY)
UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn announced early Friday morning that he will not lead his party into the next general election in five years' time, although he hasn't given a time frame for his departure.
"I want also to make it clear that I will not lead the party in any future general election campaign," Corbyn announced during a press conference. "I will discuss with our party to ensure there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward, and I will lead the party during that period to ensure that discussion takes place."
Corbyn's loss marked a victory for British Jews as he is often criticized for his antisemitic views and actions, such as laying a wreath for the terrorists in the Munich massacre, calling Hamas and Hezbollah his "friends," and writing a forward to a book which claims that Jews control the world's economy.
In a devastating blow to Labour, the party lost many of their traditional heartlands – some of which, like Blyth Valley, have been exclusively in Labour hands for over half a century. The party's fudged anti-Brexit stance was seen by many party supporters as the cause of their loss, not least as many of their former strongholds were heavily Leave supporting in the Brexit referendum of 2016. 
Losing the support of the northern working class constituencies, their traditional base, has cost the Party dearly as they slumped to their lowest result since 1983.

The Jewish Labour Movement has called for Corbyn to go without delay, saying in a statement: "Labour’s failure in this election lies squarely with the Party’s leadership. Because of the public’s rejection of Corbyn as Prime Minister, the confused position on Brexit, or its total failure to tackle anti-Jewish racism, the Party must truly listen.

"After this historic election defeat, Jeremy Corbyn must stand down immediately. His team and supporters who have been responsible for Labour’s moral and political failures must take responsibility themselves for allowing five more years of Tory rule."
Israeli public figures, meanwhile, have welcomed the result.
"Corbyn earned this, and deserved it. Good riddance," wrote former ambassador to the United States in Israel Dan Shapiro.
"I never imagined that I'd be so happy about Labour's defeat," said Labor Party MK Itzik Shmuli.

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Shem Olam Institute Chairman Rabbi Avraham Krieger said: "Corbyn's defeat and resignation is a milestone in the fight against antisemitism. Any other outcome would have set the war against antisemitism back decades."
The Labour Party has been beset by charges of antisemitism under Corbyn's leadership. A well known ally of the Palestinian cause, Corbyn has been repeatedly accused of allowing his party to turn a blind eye to antisemitism, prompting the Equality and Human Rights Commission to launch an official investigation into whether the party has become institutionally antisemitic.
According to a recent poll, 67% of Jeremy Corbyn supporters hold at least one antisemitic view. One Labour member wrote on Facebook, "I call for the complete annihilation and extermination of every Jew on the planet," as well as, "The Jew is worse than the Black Death, worse than Ebola virus. The Jew represents PURE EVIL."
Donna Rachel Edmunds contributed to this report