Bennett: Arrivals from US, Italy, France, Spain must go to IDF quarantine

"It’s wrong to have sick individuals remain at home and not in [quarantine] hotels” set up by the government in major cities.

Dan Jerusalem Hotel (photo credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/עדירל)
Dan Jerusalem Hotel
(photo credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/עדירל)

Starting from Saturday, anyone returning to Israel from abroad will be checked immediately for coronavirus and then be required to self-isolate for 14 days, Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Wednesday.

Those returning from the United States, Italy, France and Spain, which have been designated as high-risk countries for the disease, will be checked upon landing and then transferred to quarantine hotels in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Tiberias.

א. יעברו בדיקות קורונה מיד עם נחיתתם ארצה בשדה התעופה.

ב. אח״כ יועברו לבידוד מרוכז משדה התעופה למלון.
ג. תוצאה שלילית >> ישוחררו מהר ככל הניתן להשלמת בידוד באורך 14 יום בביתם.
ד. תשובה חיובית >> יוחלט בשיתוף עם משרד הבריאות לאן להעביר את החולה.

— Naftali Bennett בנט (@naftalibennett) March 25, 2020

Those that test negative for the disease will be put into the quarantine hotels, and the Defense and Health ministries will decide together where to transfer the sick person.
Bennett said, “It’s wrong to have sick individuals remain at home and not in [quarantine] hotels” set up by the government. 

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"Test results will take 48 hours. Meanwhile we are trying to organize tests for everyone entering the Israel from any country," Bennett tweeted. 
Since the outbreak of coronavirus in Israel last month, some 135,549 Israelis have self-isolated at home for a period of 14 days, after returning from overseas or being exposed to the virus. There are currently 71,029 citizens in isolation.














Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this article.