Hint: he probably picked up the phrases from former co-star Gal Gadot.
By AMY SPIROMark Wahlberg(photo credit: KAMIL KRACZYNSKI/ REUTERS)
It's enough to make anyone blush.In a recent interview with an Israeli reporter to promote his new film, Mark Wahlberg revealed that he knows a handful of Hebrew words and phrases - the majority of which are curses."I only know bad words in Hebrew," said the veteran actor, who is promoting his film Transformers: The Last Knight. He then reeled off an impressive list, including "moron," "go f**k yourself," "son of a whore," and "piece of sh*t." For balance, he added in "come here, sweetheart" and "until the wedding." "See, I could make it, right?" he asked.In the clip, posted on the "Ba Li Seret" Facbeook page, Wahlberg didn't say where he'd picked up his impressive repertoire.Despite having a "berg" in his name, the actor, producer and former rapper is not Jewish.He did, however, star opposite Gal Gadot in the 2010 film Date Night, where the pair exchanged some Hebrew on screen - though not quite the vocabulary Wahlberg showed in the video. Perhaps Gadot gave him some private lessons?