Day after removal, Western Wall pluralist prayer sign is restored

A national-religious lobbying group called B’Tzedek was reportedly behind the effort to have the sign removed.

The sign pointing to the egalitarian section of the Western Walll. (photo credit: Courtesy)
The sign pointing to the egalitarian section of the Western Walll.
(photo credit: Courtesy)
No sooner had a sign indicating the way to the pluralist prayer section at the Western Wall mysteriously disappeared than it magically reappeared on Tuesday.
The sign was taken down on Sunday by the Jerusalem Municipality, which said it lacked the necessary permits. But it was found to have been put back in place by Monday morning.
According to the municipality, it provided the “relevant parties with information on the proper licensing process for the signage” allowing it to be restored on Monday.
The pluralist prayer section is located at the southern end of the Western Wall at the Robinson’s Arch area, just outside the main Western Wall complex.
A national-religious lobbying group called B’Tzedek was reportedly behind the effort to have the sign removed.
Several hard-line groups and activists from the national-religious community, including Ateret Cohanim and the Liba Center, have been seeking to thwart the implementation of the Western Wall government resolution to further upgrade the pluralist prayer section and grant it government recognition as a prayer site for progressive Jewish worship.