Government approves NIS 20 million increase to counter domestic violence

The money allocated will fund an “action plan” already decided upon by a ministerial committee to combat domestic violence.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting, January 6, 2018 (photo credit: ALEX KOLOMOISKY / POOL)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting, January 6, 2018
(photo credit: ALEX KOLOMOISKY / POOL)
Amid a sharp rise in domestic violence against women during 2018, the government on Sunday approved an additional NIS 20 million to be added to NIS 30m. already allocated to deal with the problem in 2019.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, addressing an issue that led to a number of protests over the last couple of months, said at the weekly cabinet meeting that the money will be used not only to care for victims, but also to “focus on the treatment of the attackers” and address the issue of violent partners who attack. He said that while it was imperative to deal first and foremost with the victims, “we have to deal with the attacker side as well.”
He likened this to the way terrorism is dealt with not only by providing for the victims, but also by “first of all dealing with the terrorists.”
The money allocated will fund an “action plan” already decided upon by a ministerial committee to combat domestic violence.
That plan calls for expanding daycare centers for violent men, establishing two emergency centers and multidisciplinary protection for victims of domestic violence, and developing tools and training for professionals.
Netanyahu said a plan will also be approved “to eradicate the phenomenon in the Arab sector, where the percentage of violence is particularly high.”
Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon said, “Violence against women is a social plague that must be fought by all means possible, and we will continue to support the steps that will be offered in the government ministries in order to eradicate this violence and to provide the security that every home in Israel deserves.”
The government unanimously approved across the board cuts from all the ministries to fund the additional NIS 30m. to be allocated to the Labor and Social Services Ministry.
Twenty-one women were killed in Israel by acts of domestic violence in 2018, compared to 14 in 2017. That number reached 26 in 2011.