The wedding, which took place Tuesday night, was held between two families of "rebbes" - important hasidic rabbis in the Jewish haredi world. Although an event of this kind usually has up to 1,000 guests, only about 150 were present. When asked about the matter, the organizers claimed that they were following the restrictions. However, video footage shows otherwise.The Haredi Council of Torah Sages of Agudat Israel, as well as rebbes, rabbis and yeshiva leaders throughout the country called on their communities to follow the Health Ministry guidelines, which belong to the realm of "pikuach nefesh," a principle in Jewish law stating that the preservation of human life overrides any other religious rule.Several people within haredi society who were concerned about the coronavirus filed a police report. They requested that something be done to raise awareness about the situation within the haredi communities, as they are not as well connected to general means of communication as is the rest of Israel. The Police called the public to adhere to instructions and guidelines given by the Health Ministry as a part of the efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus in Israel.פרסמנו הערב במהדורה תיעוד מאירוע שמתרחש עכשיו בבית שמש: חתונה של משפחות אדמו״רים בהשתתפות כמאתיים בני אדם.עם כל המאמץ לא להכליל זאת כבר לא רשלנות או חוסר מודעות נקודתיים אלא זלזול ורמיסה של אמצעי הזהירות. הראשונים להיפגע חלילה יהיו החוגגים עצמם ומשפחותיהם, ובהמשך כולנו.
— יאיר שרקי (@yaircherki) March 17, 2020