Police rescue five missing Israelis clinging to overturned boat in the Kinneret

The five people set sail from the shore at around 15:00 Sunday afternoon and when they had not returned by 21:00 a report was sent to police.

Patrol boat on the Sea of Galilee as part of rescue operations. (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Patrol boat on the Sea of Galilee as part of rescue operations.
Police located and rescued five people reported missing on the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) on Sunday evening.
The five Israelis - a father, his two sons and their two friends from Kochav Ya'akov - set sail from the shore at approximately 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon. When they had not returned by 9 p.m. a report was filed to the police. 
A large search operation was undertaken including several patrol boats, a police helicopter and police patrols searching the area surrounding the water, according to the Police Spokesperson's Unit. 
At around 1 a.m. Monday morning, a patrol boat found the group clinging to the side of their upturned vessel around seven kilometers (four miles) from the shore.
All five of the group were evacuated to a hospital for medical assistance. Four were reported to be in mild condition and one suffering from hypothermia.