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However, in a recent hearing on the issue, the High Court sided with the movement, which collected the signatures of 300 professional soccer players in support of its petition, saying that the law appeared to be on their side.At the end of 2017, a severe coalition crisis blew up due to protests by the haredi political parties United Torah Judaism and Shas against frequent infrastructure construction and maintenance on Shabbat, and over their objections to a Tel Aviv municipal by-law allowing some businesses to open in the city on Shabbat.As part of a broader deal between the haredi parties and the government in November, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to pass a law giving the interior minister the right to reject municipal by-laws allowing businesses to open on Shabbat – excluding Tel Aviv – and to pass a law requiring the Labor and Welfare minister to take Jewish tradition into account when authorizing train repairs. For their part, the haredi parties agreed to allow the waiver for soccer to be played on Shabbat to be approved, which happened on Sunday.“Implementation of the waiver is conditional on the employer paying additional remuneration for the work on the weekly rest day, and granting an alternative day off,” said Katz in a statement to the press.“The waiver protects the status quo that has been in place since the establishment of the state and we will continue to strengthen professional sport in Israel,” said Katz.