Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Gallant signals Lebanon IDF ground operation as Gaza action wraps up

Defense Minister Gallant oversaw military exercises in the North, thanking troops and preparing them for an impending ground operation in Lebanon.

Goldknopf – UTJ will not support 2025 budget without haredi IDF draft bill

The legal blanket haredi exemption from IDF service ended in July 2023 after being ruled unequal and therefore unconstitutional.

A symbol of nature: Israel files landmark NIS 594K lawsuit for illegal deer hunting

The Nature and Parks Authority filed a 594,000 NIS lawsuit against Jamal Haj for hunting a protected Israeli deer species.


Israel's fiscal deficit climbs again

The figure for the end of July was 8.1% of GDP, or NIS 155 billion.


Brodny joins Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu, influencing anti-Netanyahu right-wing race

Givat Shmuel Mayor Yossi Brodny joined MK Liberman's Yisrael Beytenu, influencing the anti-Netanyahu right-wing leadership race.

Israeli security forces seen during an IDF raid in Tulkarm, in the West Bank, September 3, 2024

Israel faces surge in security incidents as threats rise on all fronts

These new challenges from the West Bank and Egypt do not come in a vacuum - the Iranian Axis wants to exploit them.

Port of Ashdod

'Jack Sparrow': Undercover operation leads to arrest of dozens in Ashdod port smuggling ring bust

Police specified that for 4.5 years, an undercover police agent, dubbed "Jack Sparrow," had been operating under the guise of a customs agent at the port.

An empty classroom

Israel's high school students skip class as threats of further strikes ramp up

Students began a strike of their own, initiated by Israel's National Student and Youth Council and the National Parent Leadership.


Italian fans turn backs during Israeli anthem, accuse Israel of Gaza genocide

During the Israeli national anthem at a soccer match in Budapest, Italian far-right fans protested, calling Israel's actions "genocide."

  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen in an interrogation room (illustrative)

Featuring unseen footage: 'The Bibi Files' premiers at Toronto Film Festival

The footage includes interviews with Netanyahu, his wife Sara, and his son Yair, showing criminal investigations dating to 2016-2018.

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