Notes mistakes in preparing emergency supplies, reservists' equipment.
Deputy Chief of General Staff Maj.-Gen. Moshe Kaplinsky admitted on Tuesday that the IDF hadn't adequately prepared for the war in Lebanon.
Speaking before the reservists' lobby in the Knesset, he noted that there were some mistakes in preparing emergency supplies, getting the reservists' equipment ready and in calling up forces for service.
"It took time until we managed to repair the situation," Kaplinsky said.
On the other hand, Chief Reserves Officer Brig.-Gen. Danny Biran told Channel 10 that although there was a problem, the equipment that was available in the war in Lebanon was better than it had been in the past.
Still, he considered as "very severe" the reports that soldiers needed to purchase supplies using their own money.
Biran stressed that the reserve forces ought to be more highly appreciated in Israeli society in general, especially since only about one third of the people capable of serving in the reserves actually do so.
Maj.-Gen. Kaplinsky said that the IDF would continue to guard the northern border for fear that Hizbullah or even Syria might re-ignite the fighting.
He assessed that if the situation in Lebanon would continue at the current rate, the IDF would have no choice but to call reservists back up, due to what he termed the "loose balance" attained by the implementation of the cease-fire.