Campaign to make utilizing the services of a prostitute or frequenting brothels illegal opens an ad-hoc store in Tel Aviv “selling” live women.
By RUTH EGLASHwoman to go 311(photo credit: Eyal Nevo)
As part of a campaign to make utilizing the services of a prostitute or frequenting brothels illegal,Women for sale the Task Force for Human Trafficking opened an ad-hoc store on Tuesday in Tel Aviv’s Dizengoff Shopping Center “selling” live women.Some seven women posed in the shop window of the “Women to Go” store, each with an unrealistic price tag and all actresses volunteering their time to the campaign that aims to give an identity to the women trafficked here specifically for the sex trade.Attorney Ori Keidar from the Kabiri-Nevo-Keidar law firm and founder of the task force explained “that prosecution of customers to prostitutes would significantly reduce the demand for such services and thus reduce the scale of human trafficking substantially.”“Customers” at the mall were asked to sign a petition urging the lawmakers to pass the law to incriminate those who go to prostitutes.