By JERUSALEM POST STAFFpessah good 88 224(photo credit: Courtesy)FeaturesA modern-day Pessah story
Exodus is not a foreign concept for thousands of Ethiopian Jews who fled to the Holy Land. An Israeli theater company is now taking their story to Broadway.
Passover on wheels
As Chaplain Oscar Mike Lifshutz found in Korea in 1951, while fighting for someone else's freedom, you cherish your own even more.
Is this Pessah different?
Jerusalem establishments will not change their policies regarding hametz this year, say restaurant owners in Jerusalem.
What to do during Hol HamoedHol Hamoed Pessah for the entire family and almost for free
If you're looking for ways to keep the children busy during Pessah, the 'Post' has several suggestions for you.
Jerusalem in English
A tour featuring a visit to David's Tomb as well as a stroll through the bustling markets of the Muslim quarter, a lookout over the Western Wall and more.
Jerusalem events
Activities, shows and events for the whole family in and around Jerusalem during Chol Hamoed.
Tel Aviv events
The Tel Aviv municipality and is putting on more than 10 productions and street events, all based on classic fairytales; Eretz-Israel Museum is offering a variety of activities.
RecipesSpringtime gefilte fish for the Seder
Made of ground fish and eggs or egg whites, gefilte fish has plenty of nutrients and is low in fat.
Kneidlach, revised
Put aside Jewish guilt and enjoy innovative matza balls.
Wine Cellar: Pull the cork, Pessah is coming
A small but excellent portfolio of wines that hail from the boutique winery of Yatir.
Pessah: The lighter side
Want to be healthier this Pessah? Here are five tips and three "alternative" recipes that can help.