Political commentatorOne sign of political influence in modern America is how big a crowd one can draw. The packed stadiums that US President Barack Obama was able to conjure gave him some of the momentum needed to knock off better-known and well-funded competition in 2008, and the swooning masses Sarah Palin inspires is an indication of her enduring political appeal.By that marker, Jon Stewart is on record as one of the country’s most successful political commentators.Three days before the 2010 midterm elections, when die-hard political activists should have been busy knocking on doors, Stewart attracted an estimated 200,000-plus people to the US Mall. Once there, he urged reason, moderation and civility in an appeal warmly embraced by the young, diverse crowd.For Stewart, 48, has become more than a comedian and TV personality for this demographic. He has become a primary information source with his halfhour nightly news show satirizing the media and current events, as well as a political and cultural arbiter to boot. His guests include political heavyweights, and his humorous interviews with them are often more revealing than mainstream sources.He frequently utilizes and lampoons his Jewish heritage as part of his efforts to stir the pot and ultimately compose a more harmonious brew. And it’s one that the masses seem to be drinking up.28. RUTH MESSINGER President, American Jewish World ServiceNew Yorkers remember Ruth Messinger as the first woman to receive the Democratic Party’s nomination for New York City mayor. She lost the 1997 election to Rudolph Giuliani, who won a second term. Messinger had previously served for 12 years on the New York City Council and for eight years as Manhattan borough president.When her career in New York City politics came to an end, Messinger became the president of the American Jewish World Service (AJWS). According to the Forward, AJWS had a $2.8 million budget and funded 65 projects and 50 organizations in 20 nations in 1998, when Messinger took over. Today, it funds 626 projects and 458 organizations in 34 countries and has a budget of $42m.Messinger, 70, was one of the strongest voices urging the US and international community to stop the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. She also helped raise $6m. for 17 organizations in Haiti after the earthquake there in January 2010, according to the Forward, and traveled to Haiti to see first-hand the relief efforts that AJWS made possible.29. ROZ ROTHSTEIN CEO of StandWithUsAs the second intifada began to progress, Roz Rothstein was troubled by the lack of any effective, organized public defense of Israel by the American Jewish community.After two teenagers were stoned to death outside Tekoa on May 8, 2001, she and her husband, along with other activists, decided to establish StandWithUs.Today, StandWithUs is a global operation which organizes demonstrations, advertising campaigns, petitions and other initiatives which help oppose the delegitimization of Israel, and also trains young people to advocate for Israel. StandWithUs operates a website where North Americans can find local stores that carry Israeli products (www.buyisraelgoods.org), and publicizes periodic “Buy Israeli Products” days to encourage store owners to continue carrying Israeli goods.30. ABE FOXMAN Anti-Defamation League head
The world's most influential Jews: 21-30
Alexander Mashkevitch, Shimon Peres, Gabbriella Giffords, Natan Sharansky, Nir Barkat, Yosef Abramowitz, Jon Stewart, Ruth Messinger, Roz Rothstein, Abe Foxman.
Political commentatorOne sign of political influence in modern America is how big a crowd one can draw. The packed stadiums that US President Barack Obama was able to conjure gave him some of the momentum needed to knock off better-known and well-funded competition in 2008, and the swooning masses Sarah Palin inspires is an indication of her enduring political appeal.By that marker, Jon Stewart is on record as one of the country’s most successful political commentators.Three days before the 2010 midterm elections, when die-hard political activists should have been busy knocking on doors, Stewart attracted an estimated 200,000-plus people to the US Mall. Once there, he urged reason, moderation and civility in an appeal warmly embraced by the young, diverse crowd.For Stewart, 48, has become more than a comedian and TV personality for this demographic. He has become a primary information source with his halfhour nightly news show satirizing the media and current events, as well as a political and cultural arbiter to boot. His guests include political heavyweights, and his humorous interviews with them are often more revealing than mainstream sources.He frequently utilizes and lampoons his Jewish heritage as part of his efforts to stir the pot and ultimately compose a more harmonious brew. And it’s one that the masses seem to be drinking up.28. RUTH MESSINGER President, American Jewish World ServiceNew Yorkers remember Ruth Messinger as the first woman to receive the Democratic Party’s nomination for New York City mayor. She lost the 1997 election to Rudolph Giuliani, who won a second term. Messinger had previously served for 12 years on the New York City Council and for eight years as Manhattan borough president.When her career in New York City politics came to an end, Messinger became the president of the American Jewish World Service (AJWS). According to the Forward, AJWS had a $2.8 million budget and funded 65 projects and 50 organizations in 20 nations in 1998, when Messinger took over. Today, it funds 626 projects and 458 organizations in 34 countries and has a budget of $42m.Messinger, 70, was one of the strongest voices urging the US and international community to stop the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. She also helped raise $6m. for 17 organizations in Haiti after the earthquake there in January 2010, according to the Forward, and traveled to Haiti to see first-hand the relief efforts that AJWS made possible.29. ROZ ROTHSTEIN CEO of StandWithUsAs the second intifada began to progress, Roz Rothstein was troubled by the lack of any effective, organized public defense of Israel by the American Jewish community.After two teenagers were stoned to death outside Tekoa on May 8, 2001, she and her husband, along with other activists, decided to establish StandWithUs.Today, StandWithUs is a global operation which organizes demonstrations, advertising campaigns, petitions and other initiatives which help oppose the delegitimization of Israel, and also trains young people to advocate for Israel. StandWithUs operates a website where North Americans can find local stores that carry Israeli products (www.buyisraelgoods.org), and publicizes periodic “Buy Israeli Products” days to encourage store owners to continue carrying Israeli goods.30. ABE FOXMAN Anti-Defamation League head