Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands makes Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs an officer of the Order of Orange Nassau.
By GIL STERN STERN SHEFLERRABBI BINYOMIN JACOBS speaks with Queen Beatrix 370(photo credit: RCE)
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands on Friday morning made Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs an officer of the Order of Orange Nassau.The head of state gave the title to the 63-year-old rabbi, who is the religious leader of the country’s Jewish communities outside Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague, in a festive ceremony.“This is an important day for Jews in this part of the world,” said Benoit Wesly, the head of the Jewish community of Limburg. “The title bestowed on Jacobs is a great honor to all Jews in the country. It’s a source of great pride for us and we thank the Almighty for helping Jacobs receive such an honor.”In recent years Jacobs, who is a member of the Rabbinical Council of the Rabbinical Center of Europe, has been one of the most outspoken defendants of kosher slaughter, schita, giving interviews and taking part in debates opposing those who would have it banned on grounds that it violated animal rights.