2 killed in clashes between Hamas police, Fatah-allied clan

Child shot in head during gunbattles in Gaza city neighborhood bringing total to six dead since last week.

hamas 224.88 (photo credit: AP [file])
hamas 224.88
(photo credit: AP [file])
One man and child killed in clashes between A child and a man were killed in clashes between Hamas police and members of a clan allied with the rival Fatah movement on Saturday, medical officials said. 13-year-old Mohammed Susi was shot in the head during gunbattles in a Gaza city neighborhood between Hamas policemen and gunmen from the Hiles clan, affiliated with rival Palestinian group Fatah, medical sources said. Six people have been killed in recent days in a standoff between the ruling Hamas and the Fatah-affiliated Hilles clan. Fatah was defeated during Hamas' takeover of Gaza in June. The fighting was a sign of ongoing internal tensions, despite Hamas' assertions that it is in full control of Gaza. The Hamas-Hilles dispute began earlier this week when Hamas security forces demanded that a member of the Hilles clan hand over a government-issued car. The clan refused and a gun battle erupted, killing three Hilles men and a Hamas police officer. A second Hamas policeman was critically wounded and remains on a respirator.