Arab Lawyers Union honors Palestinian suicide bomber
ALU grants highest ever honor to Palestinian woman who carried out the 2003 suicide bombing at Maxim's Restaurant in Haifa.
By KHALED ABU TOAMEHSuicide Bomber Terrorist 311 (R)(photo credit: REUTERS)
The Arab Lawyers Union on Friday awarded its highest decoration to the Palestinian woman who carried out the 2003 suicide bombing at Maxim’s Restaurant in Haifa, which killed 21 and wounded 51. The Cairo-based union, which represents lawyers from 15 Arab countries, dispatched a delegation to the home of suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat in Jenin to present her family with the award.Ayman Abu Eisheh, a member of the Palestine Committee at the ALU, said the decision to honor the female suicide bomber was taken during a meeting in Cairo last month. Abu Eisheh, a lawyer who visited the family, said the Arab lawyers were proud of what Jaradat did “in defense of Palestine and the Arab nation.”He said that the delegation relayed to the family greetings from the head of the ALU, Omar al-Zein, and head of the Palestine Committee, Sayed Abdel Ghani.