ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood share 'same ideology with different actions'
“I believe that political Islam carries the religion of Islam towards the inferno of conflict,” said Fehmi Jadaane, a Jordanian researcher.
By ARIEL BEN SOLOMONUpdated: DECEMBER 14, 2015 02:42Muslim Brotherhood demonstration, Amman, August 8, 2014. (photo credit: REUTERS)
Islamic State is similar to the Muslim Brotherhood movement, a Jordanian intellectual said in a TV interview.Islamic State “is not that different from other political religious movements, such as the Muslim Brotherhood,” in that they “share the same original ideology, but their actions differ in degree,” said Dr. Fehmi Jadaane, according to the video of the interview posted by MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) on Sunday.“When we transform religion, with its moral, spiritual and aesthetic essence into a domestic and external political conflict, we usher Islam into the world of war and destruction,” he said in the interview aired on Sky News Arabia on November 27. “I believe that political Islam carries the religion of Islam towards the inferno of conflict. Rather than being a source for calm, secure, good and happy society, which seeks what is good and just... I believe that the most basic value of Islam is justice.”The interviewer asked Jadaane if “these are the suicidal slogans to which you are referring?” “Indeed,” he responded.“Are we losing the humanity and morality of Islam?” the host asked.“Yes, absolutely,” Jadaane replied.Today, Islam is perceived as the cause of killing and “everything that is anti-life,” he said, and radical Islamic groups often rely on “stories and unreliable hadiths.”Asked if there is moderation among any Islamic groups, Jadaane said moderation is found “among regular Muslims.”The Islamic Movement in Israel is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.The move by the government to ban the northern branch of the Islamic Movement has drawn overwhelmingly criticism from the Israeli-Arab public.