Hizbullah leader slams Bush's branding of "defenders of children, women, homes and holy places" as terrorists.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFNasrallah 224.88(photo credit: Channel 1 [file])
The leader of Hizbullah criticized US President George W. Bush Sunday for accusing Iran of supporting armed groups in the region and calling them "terrorist," saying he is honored to be an enemy "of the Great Satan."
Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's comments came in a speech he made Sunday night in Beirut that was broadcast on a giant screen in front of thousands of supporters and followed remarks critical of Iran and Hizbullah made by Bush during his visit to the United Arab Emirates.
"I won't hide it. I felt honored when Bush spoke about Hizbullah and resistance movements because when the Pharaoh and the Great Satan accuse us and considers us enemies ... it is an honor for us."
Earlier in the day in Abu Dhabi, Bush said that "Iran is today the world's leading state sponsor of terror. It sends hundreds of millions of dollars to extremists around the world - while its own people face repression and economic hardship at home. It undermines Lebanese hopes for peace by arming and aiding the terrorist group Hizbullah."
Nasrallah said that since Bush could say nothing about Iran's nuclear program he accused the Persian state of supporting "terrorism" in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Wherever there is resistance, Iran is accused of supporting resistance movements, and these movements, in Bush's point of view are terrorist," the black-turbaned cleric said.
"He supports the nation of terrorism, killing and wars," Nasrallah said, referring to Israel. "When a country like Iran or Syria supports resistance movements that are defending their children, women, land, homes and holy places against the strongest country in the region, then this is a terrorist state that supports terrorism."