Report: Mughniyeh among suspects behind Hariri murder
Tribunal set to indict former Hizbullah leader responsible for several terrorist attacks, and his brother-in-law, in murder of Lebanese PM.
By JPOST.COM STAFFimad mughniyeh_311(photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
The United Nations tribunal investigating the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri is preparing to indict several Hizbullah members by the end of the year, among them top Hizbullah leader Imad Mughniyeh who was killed in a car bomb in 2008 and his brother-in-law Mustafa Badr al-Din, a top military commander of the group, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday morning.Mughniyeh and Badr al-Din are two of the six possible Hizbullah members who the UN is moving to indict for Hariri's murder, according to the report.Mughniyeh was among the US Federal Bureau of Investigation's most-wanted men before his death.RELATED:Hariri hit suspect is Hizbullah bigwigHizbullah boycotts Lebanese talks over UN tribunalThe UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon was set to announce that Din is the main suspect in Hariri's assassination months earlier but, according to an Israeli television report in late July, Hariri’s son, current Lebanese Prime Minister Sa'ad Hariri, asked the tribunal to postpone releasing Din’s name because of the potentially incendiary implications for Lebanon of such an announcement.Hariri and 22 other people were killed in a car bomb in downtown Beirut in 2005.Hizbullah's leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has called on all Lebanese to boycott the UN tribunal, saying all information gathered by the team was being sent to Israel.Nasrallah has previously acknowledged that members of his group would be among those indicted by the tribunal, but he has dismissed this as an “Israeli plot.”