Despite his claims, government officials have said the mayor was not detained. Relations between Turkey and Israel have been strained lately due to multiple factors, such as Turkey’s aggressive foreign policy in Syria and its vocal support of the Palestinians.Tensions have been especially high recently due to the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.Israel signed an agreement with Greece and Cyprus that will allow an undersea natural-gas pipeline from Israel to Europe. Turkey, however, wants to assert its authority over the Eastern Mediterranean and signed an agreement with Libya last November to create a maritime link that in practice extends Turkish territorial waters to more than 200 km. beyond its shores. Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.Kudüs, Filistinlilerin değil, tüm Müslümanlarındır. İşte bu yüzden Müslümanlar Kudüs'e gelip İsrail'e Mescid-i Aksa'nın arkasında bütün ümmetin olduğunu göstermelidir. Kudüs’ten herkese yürek dolusu selam olsun.Bu vesileyle Cuma günümüzün hayırlara vesile olmasını diliyorum...
— Yasin Kartoğlu (@yasinkartoglu) January 31, 2020