PICTURES: First female newborn Rhino at Ramat Gan Safari in 20 years
The new baby rhinoceros will be important to the future of the rhinoceros population at the Ramat Gan Safari.
By MICHELLE MALKA GROSSMANThe baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari.(photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)
A female rhinoceros was recently born at the Ramat Gan Safari for the first time in 20 years.
The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)The baby female rhinoceros at the Ramat Gan Safari. (photo credit: TIBOR JAGER)
Zookeepers celebrated that the baby white rhino, born to 21-year-old Tanda, will be able to contribute to the future reproduction of the Safari's rhinoceros population.