Algerian soccer player takes heat for Ashdod try-out
Algerian goal-scorer Salim Arrache under fire for reportedly coming to Israel for a trial with Ashdod’s soccer team.
Algerian goal-scorer, Salim Arrache, came to Israel for a trial with Ashdod’s soccer team, according to reports in the London based Arabic daily al-Quds al-Arabi and the Israeli Arab website Bokra.He had problems getting past security at Ben Gurion Airport because of his Algerian passport, but the Ashdod management found a way to get him into the country. In the end, Ashdod was not impressed with the player and decided not to sign him at which point Arrache left the country.News of his try-out with Ashdod SC spread and Arab social media networks and some Algerian newspapers expressed their concern. Arrache responded by denying the allegations and saying that there had been an offer but that he would never play for this club and that he never did a trial.