While the 2,000-year-old ossuary is seemingly genuine, the underlying issue is whether its paleo-Hebrew inscription is the real deal.
Christine: “North Korea is like Egypt before the Exodus – fleas, hail, pestilence, death. But I believe that God wants His people released. Like Pharoah, Kim Jong Un will let His people go.”
The event in question was on the role of religion and human rights.
“I do believe that President Trump was God’s answer to so much prayer,” she said, “and he was and is appointed [by God] to lead America.”
Robertson, famous for blaming Ariel Sharon's stroke on withdrawing from Gaza, was a controversial figure.
In recent decades, Evangelical Christians have become Israel’s strongest supporters. But given our painful history, it is understandable that many Jews do not trust Christians.
The event being protested was titled "Pentecost 2023 - A Global Day of Prayer for Jerusalem and the Nations."
Many evangelical Christians are ignorant about the hatred and disdain expressed toward Jews by respected Christians from our tradition.
DeSantis has not formally declared that he will run for president, but speculation is high that he will do so.
Trump won 76% of the white evangelical vote in 2020, down from 80% in 2016, according to Edison Research exit polls