Pelosi uses Ehud Manor lyric in appeal to get GOP colleagues to vote for impeachment

"In her ears I’ll sing my cries / Until she opens her eyes," the House Speaker quoted Manor, who is considered to be Israel's greatest lyricist.

 (photo credit: MOSHE SHAI/FLASH90)
(photo credit: MOSHE SHAI/FLASH90)
US Speaker of the House Sen. Nancy Pelosi quoted famed Israeli lyricist Ehud Manor Tuesday in an appeal to Republican colleagues to vote today in favor the impeachment article against President Donald Trump.
Speaking in the chamber, Pelosi said, "The facts are very clear: The president called for this seditious attack," referring to last week's storming of the Capitol by pro-Trump rioters.

She then referred to the "great Israeli poet" Manor and recited a passage from his 1982 poem "I Have No Other Country," which was set to music by Corinne Alal and recorded by Gali Atari.
"I can’t keep silent in light of
how my country has changed her face.
I won’t stop trying to remind her
In her ears I’ll sing my cries,
Until she opens her eyes."
Pelosi then added, "I encourage my Republican colleagues to finally open their eyes and hold this president accountable."
Manor, who was awarded the Israel Prize in 1998, died of a heart attack in 2005. He wrote the lyrics to over 1,200 songs, and is considered to be Israel's greatest lyricist.