Tucker Carlson slams Ilhan Omar as 'loathsome' over Flynn comments

"Can a single human actually be as loathsome as Ilhan Omar? It's hard to believe. She's like a parody of repulsiveness," the Fox News anchor said.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), December 13, 2019. (photo credit: REUTERS/ELIZABETH FRANTZ)
U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), December 13, 2019.
Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson has slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., after she described the Department of Justice's decision to drop charges against Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn as "white privilege at work."
In an eight minute segment on the Flynn case, Carlson told viewers that Flynn's phone had been tapped by the FBI in a "completely shocking" attempted "set up," before launching into the tirade against Omar.
"Omar didn't explain what in the world Mike Flynn's case might have to do with his skin color, which he cannot control," Carlson said. "But she announced the decision as racist, anyway."
He added, "Surprised? You shouldn't be surprised. Ilhan Omar is the person who clearly married her own brother in an immigration scam, who passionately hates the country that saved her, who reduces every conceivable issue to the most vicious kind of race-baiting. Can a single human actually be as loathsome as Ilhan Omar? It's hard to believe. She's like a parody of repulsiveness. Sometimes you doubt she really exists."
Omar promptly hit back on Twitter, accusing Carlson of threatening her life.
"Tucker gets paid $6 million a year to stare into a camera and incite his followers to threaten the life of a sitting Member of Congress," she Tweeted.
"There is a reason that every time Tucker does a segment on me death threats go up.
"Corporate America, this is what your ads are bankrolling."

The Justice Dept dropped its case against Flynn on Thursday after court documents were unsealed last month which showed that FBI agents had discussed whether to get Flynn to lie during an interview in order to prosecute him or have him fired from his White House position.

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In the court filing, according to Bloomberg, the Justice Department said, “The government is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.”
Attorney General William Barr has backed the decision, telling CBS News “A crime cannot be established here. They did not have a basis for the counterintelligence investigation against Flynn at that stage.
“It was an easy decision,” he added. “Once I saw all the facts and some of the tactics used by the FBI in this instance and also the legal problems with the case, it was an easy decision.”