Palestinians shoot at IDF as it maps out demolition of terrorist homes

They are believed to be involved in Thursday’s shooting terror attack near the site of the former Homesh settlement that claimed the life of 25-year-old Yehuda Dimentman.

 Israeli soldiers stand guard between Jewish settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank, on December 17, 2021. (photo credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90)
Israeli soldiers stand guard between Jewish settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank, on December 17, 2021.
(photo credit: NASSER ISHTAYEH/FLASH90)

Serious clashes broke out between Palestinians and the IDF in the pre-dawn hours of Monday as soldiers mapped out the homes of four terror suspects so it can weigh the demolition of the structures as a punitive measure.

Palestinians shot at the soldiers as they operated in the village of Silat al-Harithiya, where the four were arrested the day before.

They are believed to be involved in Thursday’s shooting terror attack near the site of the former Homesh settlement that claimed the life of 25-year-old Yehuda Dimentman.

A violent clash also broke out between soldiers and Palestinians, in which stones were thrown at the troops. The IDF responded with riot dispersal means. In the aftermath of the attack, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) reached an agreement to step up terror activity against Israel in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The situation in the West Bank has remained volatile. Defense Minister Benny Gantz updated the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee regarding the danger to Israelis and security forces in the West Bank.

 Yehuda Dimentman, killed by Palestinian terrorists at Homesh, is seen with his wife and child. (credit: Courtesy the Dimentman family)
Yehuda Dimentman, killed by Palestinian terrorists at Homesh, is seen with his wife and child. (credit: Courtesy the Dimentman family)

“In recent weeks, in response to an increased number of alerts, we have carried out extensive counter-terrorism operations, which have curtailed both [terror] capabilities and intentions,” Gantz said, adding that “These operations will continue.”

“We will increase our presence on the ground and we will exact a price from those who spread terror and incitement,” Gantz said.

He issued a warning to the terrorists, saying that, “We will act in the face of any attempt by Hamas to gain strength or to harm Israeli citizens – anywhere, anytime.”