Donation campaign to help Horgen family after alleged terrorist attack
Funds collected through a new campaign set up via Facebook will go to the family of alleged terror victim Esther Horgen.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFEsther Hurgan, the woman killed in a suspected terror attack in the northern West Bank on Dec. 21, 2020(photo credit: COURTESY OF THE FAMILY)The Jerusalem Post contributor Hillel Fuld, together with Israel365, has launched a donation campaign for the family of Esther Horgen, who was the victim of an alleged terrorist attack that resulted in her murder.Fuld has set up a Facebook page for Horgen’s family, as well as the donation page in her memory.All of the proceeds will go to the Horgen family.Fuld himself is familiar with such circumstances. His brother, Ari Fuld, was murdered September 16, 2018, while at a shopping market in Gush Etzion. After he was stabbed in the upper back, Fuld was able to neutralize the terrorist before the terrorist was able to murder another. Shortly thereafter, Fuld succumbed to his wounds. The terrorist was sentenced to life imprisonment and was ordered to pay damages to the family. Fuld left behind a wife and four children.Hillel has set up a Facebook page for Horgen’s family and a donation page in her memory.Horgen, a woman in her 50s from the northern West Bank, was found dead in the Reihan Forest of the region. The police and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) are reportedly evaluating whether the murder might have been a terrorist attack."The security forces will, with God's help, get their hands on the perpetrators of this terrible attack and bring them justice," said MK Betzalel Smotrich.Horgen was a resident of Tel Menashe, a town near the forest. Her body was found on the side of the road in the forest, marked by signs of violence, including to her head. Her family reported her missing on Sunday. She leaves behind her husband, Benyamin, and six children. Her youngest child celebrated his bar mitzvah just three months ago.The Samaria Regional Council referred to the incident as a terrorist attack, adding that Horgen was found overnight with "her head crushed."Tzvi Joffre contributed to this report.