Hamas' TV: Islam allows for murder of Jews as they are criminals

Viewiers tuning in to the TV show "Self-Sacrificing Fighter" (Fida’i) watched Jewish characters say they hate all Arabs, and Arab characters justify the murder of Jews.

A Palestinian woman wearing the headband of Hamas' armed wing takes part in a protest against Israel's plan to annex parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, near Israeli Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip July 9, 2020 (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)
A Palestinian woman wearing the headband of Hamas' armed wing takes part in a protest against Israel's plan to annex parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, near Israeli Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip July 9, 2020
Palestinians living in Gaza have been told by Hamas that it is permissible under Islam to kill Israeli civilians because they are criminals. The message came in a television series broadcast on Hamas' Al Aqsa TV.
"Self-Sacrificing Fighter" (Fida’i) features a scene in which an armed terrorist shoots and kills diners at a restaurant in Tel Aviv. Following the attack, a Palestinian woman being interrogated by an Israeli investigator tells him that the attack was justified because Islam allows for criminals to be killed, according to a translation by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
"Didn’t you set out to murder innocents in ‎Tel Aviv?”‎ the interrogator asks, to which the woman replies: “We’re not criminals like you and we’re not murderers. Our religion ‎‎[Islam] forbids us from murdering civilians!”‎
"So why did you set out to murder?" he asks. She responds: “I set out‏ ‏to murder criminals like you!”‎
The series was first made in 2015, but has recently been re-broadcast to Palestinians as part of the channel's entertainment program.
In another scene, viewers are told that all Jews hate Arabs.
In the scene, a Jewish family sits by the hospital bedside of a relative who has been injured, discussing who the perpetrator might be. They conclude that it must have been an Arab. The sons exclaims that he “Definitely an Arab. I hate Arabs. I want to kill them!” to which one adult responds “My dear Noam, I want you to be like this. You should always hate Arabs. All our lives we hate Arabs. We don’t love Arabs.” A female relative adds: “We all hate Arabs, dear. All of us.”
"One of the themes of this Hamas series is that Jews hate Arabs and want to kill them," Itamar Marcus, director of PMW said. "Accordingly, Arabs and Palestinians have a right to hate and kill Jews because killing Jews in its essence is an act of self-defense.
This series is very significant and very dangerous as it is a popularization of Palestinian hateful religious teachings. It brings the call to hate and kill of Jews from the Mosques and sermons, which is presented on both Hamas and PA TV, to a medium that the masses of Palestinians will view and easily understand.
"Palestinian leadership has a challenge to bring people to hate Israel, reject normal relations, and even want to join in violence and terror when the leadership chooses," Marcus added. "Popularizing hate and murder in series like this is a very effective tool, and even worse than the sermons which call for killing of Jews."

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Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank are routinely subjected to inciteful propaganda from Hamas and the Palestinian Authority through popular culture.
A one-minute filler aired on Hamas-run al-Aqsa TV on August 29, 2020, depicted a group of Palestinian terrorists in jail, watching a news report on a (fictional) suicide bombing in Tel Aviv which has claimed 19 lives. The prisoners leap to their feet and cheer, before realizing that one of their group is crying. When an inmate asks him why, he reveals that he had wanted to be part of the suicide bombing operation. His fellow inmate assures him that Allah will reward him for being jailed as a terrorist.
Another filler featured a song glorifying past terror attacks, as well as the capture of Gilad Shalit and the holding of the bodies of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, who were killed during the 2014 Gaza War.
"Day and night we are preparing tunnels… We came from below, from the land, from the air…" the lyrics ran, "We will never forget the Martyr prisoners who were led as grooms to Heaven…"