PA official condemned Deal of the Century as 'filth of the century'

Religious leader Mahmoud al-Habbash encouraged martyrdom, and threatened that anyone who would accept the president's 'Deal of the Century' would be treated as a traitor.

Palestinian Authority Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud al-Habbash. (photo credit: DENISE KLAHR)
Palestinian Authority Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud al-Habbash.
(photo credit: DENISE KLAHR)
A few days before the release of US President Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century," a top Palestinian Authority official and religious leader, Supreme Sharia Judge Mahmoud al-Habbash, threatened whoever would accept the peace plan on official PA TV, as reported by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).
He warned that accepting the peace plan would be humiliating, calling it "the deal of shame," the "slap of the century‎," the "shame of the century," and the "filth of the century."
"Palestine will remain Palestine," Habbash said. "This land will return to its owners."
As such, he threatened whoever who would accept it, saying that they would be treated as traitors. "Whoever accepts [the deal] – will pay a heavy price for it.  Yes, he will pay the price for accepting it. He will pay the price of treason. [Accepting] this deal is the way to treason," he warned.

Habbash continued his preach, teaching his audience that fighting the deal and martyrdom is better than to accept the deal.
"We welcome death for the sake of Allah. If death is the price of dignity, sovereignty and honor, then death is welcome," he said.

Following the revealing of the "Deal of the Century," Habbash followed up on his statement and encouraged Islamic preachers to condemn the peace plan and to warn against consequences during their Friday sermons, PMW reported.
He urged them to take "a decisive position against this crime that will satisfy Allah and His Messenger," wrote PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, the watchdog reported.

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Different Palestinian reactions followed the revelation of the peace plan. PA President Mahmoud Abbas warned that the deal "will not pass," and called on Palestinians to "defend Palestine with their blood and souls."