Tetrad batch of new exhibitions opening on December 4 will each run for four months.
The Israel Museum will unfurl a tetrad batch of new exhibitions on December 4. Each show will run for four months and the numerically alliterative offering will present a variety of viewpoints on aspects of body, space and time.The foursome includes the first retrospective exhibition of the influential work of Israeli conceptual art pioneer Gideon Gechtman, curated by Aya Miron. Over the course of his 40 year career, Gechtman experimented with a variety of mediums, focusing on his illness, his death, bereavement, memory, and the possibility of using the artwork in a commemorative function.New Yorker Mika Rottenberg’s Squeeze display of video works, curated by Amitai Mendelsohn, offers a quirky, critical take on modern society, while Fragments, curated by Tanya Sirakovich, takes a global, pan-chronological look at the way various body parts have been portrayed by different cultures through the ages.The exhibition comprises around 200 works, including prehistoric artifacts, Egyptian amulets, Etruscan sacrificial offerings, Jewish ritual vessels and modern art works.The last of the foursome takes a multifaceted look at the passage of time through the omnipresent element of dust. Collecting Dust¸ which is curated by Tami Manor-Friedman features creations by 15 artists across a broad spectrum of mediums, taking in painting, photography, installations, and video works from the last 10 years. The show includes works by sculptor Micha Ullman, photographer Gaston Zvi Ickowicz, video artist and photographer Dana Levy, sculptor Drora Dominey, and painter Shai Kremer.All the four shows will close on April 5 2014. For more information: (02) 670- 8811 and www.imjnet.org.il.