Telfed’s latest exhibit provides a fascinating insight into the origins of this unique seaside place, and those colorful characters who established holiday homes there.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFMemories of Muizenberg 370(photo credit: Courtesy)
For most South African Jews the town of Muizenberg in the Cape recalls with great affection the hazy, lazy days of summer holidays, pristine sandy beaches, talent contests at the pavilion, endless rolling waves from the warm Indian ocean, cold chicken and potato salads and the famous “snake pit” where bathers would squeeze in to protect themselves from the occasional wind and sand storms.For well over 60 years Muizenberg was the favorite summer destination for the 130,000 Jews of Southern Africa. The town boasted its own local synagogue and local community activities supporting, at its peak, some 600 Jewish families who lived in the town and serviced the summer visitors.In the past two years a highly successful exhibition was staged at the Jewish Museum in Cape Town and later in Johannesburg displaying in image and text this unique story. It is now being launched in Israel in a partnership between Telfed (The South African Zionist Organization – Israel) , Beth Protea retirement home and with local association of the Pioneer International Group.“We are extremely excited to have this opportunity of bringing this exhibition to Israel and we’re sure it will bring back many fond memories for many Southern Africans who immigrated to Israel,” said Dave Bloom, Telfed Chairman and co-organizer of the event.The curator of the SA exhibition, Joy Kropman, who coordinated the large research and production team, will be visiting Israel especially for the opening of the exhibition and will share some of her experiences with the audience at a special opening of the exhibition on April 29 at Beth Protea in Herzliya.The exhibition includes over 40 large displays with several hundred images and text. In addition there will be over 1,000 digital images of Muizenberg plus separate digital displays on Jewish life in the country towns of the Western Cape and Jewish-owned hotels in early South Africa.For further details visit mories-muizenberg-exhibition- comes-israel or call Telfed from 12:00 - 16:00 at (09) 790-7801